Faculty of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
Cập nhật lúc 22:41, 27/02/2023 (GMT+7)

1.  Introduction:

The Department of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law (previously the Department of Theory – Constitution – Administration) was established in accordance with Decision no. 2889/QD-TCCB dated August 06th, 2007 by the Director of VNU on the establishment of academic departments under the School of Law.

There are currently 11 permanent lecturers, 20 part-time lecturers and collaborators working at legal education and research institutions, central-level state agencies.

With more than 30 years of operation, the Faculty has been teaching and conducting scientific research in the main branches of public law, including the constitutional law of Vietnam, foreign constitutional law, administrative law of Vietnam, foreign administrative law, administrative procedure law, theory and law on human rights, theory and law on anti-corruption, political science, history of political-juridical theories.

The Faculty of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law has had leading scientists of Vietnam in the field of public law such as Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dang Dung (Constitutional Law); Prof.Dr. Pham Hong Thai (Administrative Law), A/Prof.Dr. Nguyen Cuu Viet (Administrative Law); A/Prof.Dr. Bui Xuan Duc (Constitutional Law); A.Prof.Dr. Chu Hong Thanh (Human Rights Law). The Faculty has also young lecturers who have studied abroad, knowledgable, enthusiastic, dynamic, with affirmed reputation in Vietnam in both research and teaching of constitutional law, administrative law, human rights law and anti-corruption law such as A.Prof.Dr. Vu Cong Giao, A.Prof.Dr. Dang Minh Tuan, Dr. La Khanh Tung, Dr. Bui Tien Dat. All permanent lecturers of the Faculty have undergone academic training and acquired professional knowledge abroad.

Regarding education activities, aside subjects at the bachelor's level, the Faculty is currently in charge of the Master's degree program in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law (newly divided from the Master's and PhD degree programs in Theory and History of State and Law). The Faculty is also in charge of the professional aspects of the Master's degree program in Human Rights Law and co-in-charge of the Master's and PhD degree programs in Theory and History of State and Law. Currently, the Faculty is initiating new projects to open a Master’s degree program in Good Governance and Anti-corruption and a PhD degree program in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law.

Regarding scientific research achievements, over the past 30 years, lecturers of the Faculty have successfully defended hundreds of scientific research projects at all levels, published hundreds of textbooks and monographs, and published thousands of papers in specialized local and international journals. Many textbooks and monographs drafted by the Faculty’s lecturers are the first publications of their kind in Vietnam and are widely used in teaching and research in many educational institutions such as the Constitution of Vietnam Textbook, Vietnamese Administrative Law Textbook, Theory and Law on Human Rights Textbook, Theory and Law on Anti-Corruption Textbook. Some monographs drafted by the Faculty’s lecturers have been awarded by the VNU for being outstanding scientific research works. The Faculty’s lecturers are the core members of the strong constitutional law and administrative law research group of VNU.

The above successes are due to the fact that the Faculty has been able to foster a positive culture of collective behavior, build strong team unity, and different generations of lecturers able to respect and support each other in their careers and life.

 2. Subjects:

Undergraduate programs

+ Constitutional Law of Vietnam

+ Foreign Constitutional Law

+ Administrative Law

+ Administrative Procedure Law

+ History of Political-Juridical Theories

+ Theory of Separation and Decentralization of Powers

+ Theory and Law on Human Rights

+ Theory and Law on Anti-corruption

+ Development of legal instruments

 Graduate programs

Master’s degree program in Constitutional Law and Administrative Law:

+ Constitutional theory and the organization of state power;

+ Theory of state management;

+ Organization and implementation of legislative power;

+ Organization and implementation of executive power;

+ Organization and implementation of judicial power;

+ Human rights, citizen’s rights;

+ Constitutional review regime;

+ Administrative justice;

+ Political science;

+ Comparative administrative law;

+ Comparative constitutional law;

+ Public administration;

+ Modern constitutional institutions;

+ Local government;

+ Democracy and elections;

+ Public service regime and public services;

+ Good governance and anti-corruption;

+ Policy analysis and law making;

+ Administrative contracts and public-private partnership;

+ Administrative liability and administrative coercion.

Master’s degree program in Human Rights Law (pilot program):

+ Philosophy, politics of human rights and the development of human rights thought in the world history of state and law;

+ International principles and standards on human rights;

+ International law on the human rights of vulnerable groups;

+ International mechanism for the protection and promotion of human rights;

+ Humanitarian and human rights thought in the history of the state and law of Vietnam and the culture, human rights philosophy in Vietnam;

+ Perspectives, policies and orientations of the Party and State of Vietnam on the protection and promotion of human rights in the construction of a state that espouses for a rule-of-law;

+ Law and mechanism to protect and promote human rights in Vietnam;

+ Human rights and social development;

+ Law and regional human rights mechanisms;

+ Law and national human rights mechanisms.

PhD degree program in Theory and History of State and Law:

+ Constitutional review regime;

+ Constitution and constitutional amendment;

+ Constitutionalism;

+ Human rights and constitutional law

+ Public services

+ Contemporary issues in administrative law;

+ Theory of state management. 

3. Main research areas:

- Classical and modern theories on constitutional law, administrative law and political science.

- Good models, institutions and practices in constitutional review, power control, state governance, anti-corruption, protection and promotion of human rights.

Historical, present, future development and solutions to promote rule-of-law, good governance, democratic and civilized society in Vietnam. 


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